Research Proves It!
The Wharton School of Business, University of Pennsylvania conducted a major research study on print versus video. Their conclusions showed that a well-produced video increases information retention by 50% and speeds-up buying decisions by 72% over a print brochure.
Customers Prefer It!
When given a choice, three out of four prospective customers will request a video brochure over a print brochure.
No One Will Trash It!
Even the busiest prospects will not throw away a video, yet they think nothing of trashing even the glossiest and most expensive print brochures and catalogs after a brief glance. A well-produced and packaged video virtually guarantees that your message will cut through the clutter and be seen by the people who matter most.
Prospects Will Highly Value It!
The video has a perceived value of nine to twelve dollars, yet your actual cost is only two to three dollars.
No Other Sales Medium Can Touch It!
Video combines the visual impact of television and the targetability of direct mail. The video brochure can present your message in such a logical and compelling way, clients will be hard-pressed to come up with enough reasons to not do business with you. There is no better way to educate, demonstrate, and motivate busy decision-makers.
You Can Update It!
With our new digital editing (D2) capabilities and modular format production expertise, your video can easily be edited to incorporate new products, testimonials, case studies, media coverage, etc.
Many People Will Watch It!
An effectiveness study found that 40% of prospects who watched a marketing video watched it with other professionals. In cases where the tape was sent to non-buyers, 50% passed it on to the right person in their company. A TVA-produced video averages twenty people per tape. That’s a lot of bang for $2-3 bucks! Having a leave-behind/pass-along video will help your prospects to convince their associates and superiors. The video will help ensure that your presentation’s key points are passed along with consistency and impact.
Lots Of Uses For It!
Not only as a leave-behind/ pass-along tool but as the opening feature of your live presentations; as a self-contained mailer to non-local or hard-to-reach prospects; as an attention-getter at trade shows, conventions, symposiums, and press conferences; as a PR tool for sending to the media, etc.
Your Sales Reps Won’t Know How They Managed To Get By Without It!
The video can take your best sales presentation and bring it to life using state-of-the-art media technologies that combine sight, sound, motion, and emotion. Unlike your sales reps, the video will never take a day off or have an off-day. The presentation is as fresh, consistent, and impactful on the 100th viewing as the first.
Your Competitiveness Depends On It!
First-time viewers often do not differentiate between the quality of an unknown product and the quality of the materials used to promote it. (The medium is the message!). Using state-of-the-art communication technologies will convey an image of sophistication, professionalism, and expertise. The video will help turn your vision into visuals and your image into income.